Monday, February 27, 2012

Child's play

  We often wish we could go back to a simpler time in our lives and most of the times this time involves our youth for example an adult could wish they could go back to college or even high school, or if your a high school student then you might wish you were a child once again. I mean I wish I could do it all over again, I had the time of my life as a child. The memories I have from   my childhood are ones that I will never forget I remember when I was 8 years old my friends Mac and C.J found a tree house that abandoned and was still in good condition although it was missing a few things like a wall, I also remember most if not all my birthdays , one that sticks out the most was my 4th & 5th birthday growing up as a child I had this weird obsession with trash trucks  and I really wanted to be one and my parents thought it was the cutest thing ever, cause I also knew when the trash man has came and gone so for my 4th and 5th birthday I had a trash truck themed birthday cake it was awesome to say the least. Another birthday I remember well was my 6th birthday I had a star wars cake and also 6 days later I went and saw the Phantom Menace in theaters with Mac Cj and Scott I think so far that was my best birthday ever due to the fact that ever since I was 3 I've always been in love with star wars I still am till this day I mean the fact I play the new MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online role-playing game) should be enough to tell you that I'm still in love with the series.  It's just crazy how as we get older we can still look back and talk  about the good ole' days. I also miss how you could do what ever you wanted a kid and have no consequences I mean sure if you swore to your mother or something like that it will have some minor set backs but I mean kids get away with anything, well depending on if it's illegal i.e stealing a car. For some we got to spend all day at home and play with our friends and not have to go to a preschool and others we still got to spend all day playing with friends I can remember going to preschool at 8 and getting out at 1 it was the bomb! And I still got to hang out with my friends all day or play video games until like 8pm haha and I remember that I didn't have the school on Fridays either that was amazing.
I think what it has to do is the fact that we as a country are so hooked on that idea of youth and not letting go of what we once had i.e women who is 60+ but have the face of a 40 year old and the body of a 28 year old due to surgery we offer in the U.S. I know tho 10+ years from now I'll be looking at my high school graduation pictures and be like wow! or even my photo's from when I was a kid and be thinking the same thing I am now how much I miss being a kid. Just think though to yourself a few of childhood memories that you can remember and how that either effected you in some way in the future or what event made that stick in your brain so long. I can tell you I have a headache from all the memories I remember as a child.

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