Monday, February 27, 2012

Child's play

  We often wish we could go back to a simpler time in our lives and most of the times this time involves our youth for example an adult could wish they could go back to college or even high school, or if your a high school student then you might wish you were a child once again. I mean I wish I could do it all over again, I had the time of my life as a child. The memories I have from   my childhood are ones that I will never forget I remember when I was 8 years old my friends Mac and C.J found a tree house that abandoned and was still in good condition although it was missing a few things like a wall, I also remember most if not all my birthdays , one that sticks out the most was my 4th & 5th birthday growing up as a child I had this weird obsession with trash trucks  and I really wanted to be one and my parents thought it was the cutest thing ever, cause I also knew when the trash man has came and gone so for my 4th and 5th birthday I had a trash truck themed birthday cake it was awesome to say the least. Another birthday I remember well was my 6th birthday I had a star wars cake and also 6 days later I went and saw the Phantom Menace in theaters with Mac Cj and Scott I think so far that was my best birthday ever due to the fact that ever since I was 3 I've always been in love with star wars I still am till this day I mean the fact I play the new MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online role-playing game) should be enough to tell you that I'm still in love with the series.  It's just crazy how as we get older we can still look back and talk  about the good ole' days. I also miss how you could do what ever you wanted a kid and have no consequences I mean sure if you swore to your mother or something like that it will have some minor set backs but I mean kids get away with anything, well depending on if it's illegal i.e stealing a car. For some we got to spend all day at home and play with our friends and not have to go to a preschool and others we still got to spend all day playing with friends I can remember going to preschool at 8 and getting out at 1 it was the bomb! And I still got to hang out with my friends all day or play video games until like 8pm haha and I remember that I didn't have the school on Fridays either that was amazing.
I think what it has to do is the fact that we as a country are so hooked on that idea of youth and not letting go of what we once had i.e women who is 60+ but have the face of a 40 year old and the body of a 28 year old due to surgery we offer in the U.S. I know tho 10+ years from now I'll be looking at my high school graduation pictures and be like wow! or even my photo's from when I was a kid and be thinking the same thing I am now how much I miss being a kid. Just think though to yourself a few of childhood memories that you can remember and how that either effected you in some way in the future or what event made that stick in your brain so long. I can tell you I have a headache from all the memories I remember as a child.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Childhood books

This book was written by Marget Wise Brown and it's about a kid who says good night to everything around him everything from the moon to the bunny's doll house ( The main character is a bunny) I don't know why I liked it I just remember it because every time I would go to bed as a young lad my mom would say good night Connor and I'd say good night mom then moon and ect.Although still to this day my mom likes to tease me about it and say good night moon or oh look Connor it's the mooooooon.

The Stinky Cheese Man and other by Fairly Stupid Tales Jon Scieszka this book is a collection of twisted, humorous parodies of famous children's stories and fairy tales, such as "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Gingerbread Man".  It's a classic in my eyes I can remember laying on my moms bed when I was 3 and making her or my sister read it to me.

The final book I can really remember as a child is Enemy Pie by Derek Munson, this book is about a kid who is looking to have a good summer no school no sister for 3 weeks! and he just got a tree house built in his back yard but to come and ruin it for him Jeremy Ross moves in and instantly he makes him his #1 enemy. I remember the first time I read this book I was 5 and my mom brought it home from the library and I read it and it made me laugh but then again I was 5 anything at the time could make you laugh but yeah...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

If you stare into the abyss the abyss stares into you

   As the author sat at his computer trying to think of something to write he took from his cigarette box one cigarette and then sparked the lighter and began to inhale. For a while he just sat there relaxed and embraced the moment then it hit him his next new story his story that was going to make him famous. It was a about a man trapped a prisoner of his own mind not able to communicate properly  and as a result he he lost all he had. As the author began to type away he realised after sometime that darkness had fallen and he had became quite hungry so he got up walked into the living room of his tiny one bedroom apartment and opened the refrigerator he grabbed his dinner from the night before it was pizza, as he placed the pizza into the microwave he walked out on the deck looked over and realised that he is writing about himself and how miserable his life was he leaned over the edge looking down at the street five stories down from there he could see the cars and the people walking by as they went on with there lives without a care in the world he has thought about jumping before I mean he is 30 years old no girlfriend, no kids, no job, living of well-fare and the settlement money he got 11 years ago for black mailing his previous employer but he knew that wouldn't last long. In mid thought he heard the beeping of the microwave going off signaling his pizza was done. So as he walked into his apartment grabbed a beer from the fridge and then his pizza he went back into his room and sat down at his computer and began typing once again he then ashed his cigarette grabbed another one lit that one up and took a long drag from it and then that moment he reclined into his chair arms extended and thought to himself yes this is the one the one that's going to make me famous.

As the author sat at his computer trying to think
of something to write
he took from his cigarette box one cigarette and then sparked the lighter and began to inhale
for a while he just sat there relaxed and embraced the moment
then it hit him his next new story his story that was going to make him famous

It was a about a man trapped a prisoner of his own mind not able to communicate properly  and as a result he he lost all he had.

As the author began to type away he realised after sometime that darkness had fallen and he had became quite hungry so he got up walked into the living room of his tiny one bedroom apartment and opened the refrigerator
he grabbed his dinner from the night before it was pizza
as he placed the pizza into the microwave he walked out on the deck looked over and
realised that he is writing about himself and how miserable his life was he leaned over the edge looking down at the street five stories down

From there he could see the cars and the people
walking by as they went on with there lives without a care in the world
he has thought about jumping before I mean he is 30 years old no girlfriend, no kids, no job, living of well-fare and the settlement money he got 11 years ago for black mailing his previous employer
but he knew that wouldn't last long
In mid thought he heard the beeping of the microwave going off
Signaling his pizza was done
So as he walked into his apartment grabbed a beer from the fridge

And then his pizza he went back into his room and sat down at his computer and began typing once again
he then ashed his cigarette grabbed another one lit that one up and took a long drag from it
and then that moment he reclined into his chair arms extended and thought to himself


This is the one the one that's going to make me famous

and then his pizza he went back into his room and sat down at his computer and began typing once again

Monday, February 13, 2012

Teacher Answers

1.) What music or song reminds you of your childhood?
Matt "Tebo" McMcillin: Don't go calling Jimmie Waterfall -TLC
Mrs. Burnskiter The Beatles and They Might Be Giants
For Mrs. B's answer I wasn't surprised due to the fact I grew up with her because she is my sister's best friend.
2.)Who is your favorite group or singer?
Tebo said his favorite singer was Michael Buble cause it reminds him of Frank Santera and he is really talented.
3.)What music reminds you of someone you love family ect.
Coffey said  Airsupply and Alabama
4.)Do you go to concerts? Recent Concert
Coffey said Lady A was his last concert which kinda shocked me but I won't judge! and his most memoriable concert will be Rascal Flats in KC.
5.)What radio stations do you listen to in the car?
Mrs. B said I don't listen to the radio in the car only pandora radio on my computer
6.)Which music was "controversial" or "offensive" to some when you were growing up?
Mrs. B said Green day and Eminem
7.)Which music do you least like?
Tebo said Scream-o and gangster rap

My snowy monday

So today I woke up at the god awful hour of 7am to get up and get ready for school when I usually get up at around 7:15 which doesn't seem like much but 15 minutes makes the difference let me tell you. Now like everyone I was hoping for a snow day ,but as I was coming to school today I realized the roads weren't that bad so having school was fine, but as the day went on people formed the annual "omg Dr. Ridder wtf why didn't he cancel school!?!?!?!" I don't know why people act like on days were it's fine just because there is snow on the day doesn't really mean we need to have a snow day , besides it's supposed to ice tonight so MAYBE just MAYBE we'll have a Ice day. Today I also have to work and that hasn't been on my mind as much nor has it bothered me expect the fact is that a host got fired this morning so when I originally had to work at 5:30 I know work at 4:30 which isn't that bad I mean more hours woot woot, only problem is that I work his shifts now and since there is only 3 hosts now I work a lot. Overall though this day has been O.K. it's been lazy and filled with people that don't know what there talking about

Thursday, February 9, 2012


If you asked me if I would want to ever be a professional musician I would. I think it would be awesome to be famous the only problem is that when I sing by myself and in front of people I'm extremely embarrassed so it would never work. With out music my life would suck plain and simple I think I'm listening to music 90% of the day I listen to it on the way to school, at school, at home and even when I wake up. I admire the music of many artists but if you were to ask me who I have the most music on my phone that would be Usher haha I listen to him everyday at least and going back to being a famous musician if I was one I would totally be the white usher plain and simple. My music has changed over the years I used to only listen to what ever was on power 96.5 when I was like in Kindergarten then later like 4th grade I had a long phase of only listening to the Beatles and old groups/artists like Earth wind and Fire, and Michael Jackson to name a few, when middle school came around I only listened to rock and then HATED rap but now I like all music genres I have everything from Rock to Rap,  R&B to Oldies  expect country I don't care for country. One of  favorite songs is Don't Do It by Young Jeezy I like it cause it's a deep song  it talks about not giving up ,also Jeezy is one of my favorite rap artists.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Lines from famous books

"Yes" I said "Isn't it pretty to think so"
This line comes from the book "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway who is one of the best modern day authors he's like Mark Twain in the sense that you might have not read his work but most people know who he is and what he wrote, it was written in 1926 and this book is about about a group of American & British expatriates who travel from Paris to the Festival of San Fermín in Pamplona to watch the running of the bulls and the bullfights, this book is split into 3 books each has to deal with a separate thing.this book is filled with love excitement and a few other things.
Here are links to the summary and a review from someone on this book.

"Once upon a time there was a women who discovered that she turned into the wrong person"
This line comes from the book "Back When We Were Grownups" by Anne Tyler not much is listed on the web about Anne Tyler mostly some of her work like The Clock Winder and If Morning Ever Comes. The story is about Rebecca Davitch, a 53-year-old widow, mother, grandmother, and proprietor of a party and catering business run from her home called Open Arms. At an engagement party for one of her stepdaughters, she finds herself questioning everything about her life, and decides to take steps to resurrect her former self.
A link to a review of the book and summary are including here

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rule #1 of Fight Club

"Most of the week we were Ozzie and Harriet, but every Saturday night we were finding something out: we were finding out more and more that we were not alone. It used to be that when I came home angry and depressed I'd just clean my condo, polish my Scandinavian furniture. I should have been looking for a new condo. I should have been haggling with my insurance company. I should have been upset about my nice, neat, flaming little $h!t. But I wasn't."
This sticks out in my head because it shows that we sometimes get so caught up in the idea of we needing the next new item (I.E Iphone or something along those lines) we find our lives being controlled by something that doesn't even exist. In this particular story the narrator found out that everyday he comes home mad he would just try to take his stress out on his apartment trying to make it clean and perfect -- how he wanted it to be so that way he couldn't get mad.
The genres I typically read are Horror, Mystery, Suspense, and Action. I don't know what draws me in I guess it's just a personal preference. I remember that I learned to read from my mom when I was real young i don't remember when exactly , but I remember reading small books like the "stinky cheese man" and some other classics. The first book I ever read by myself was the "junie b jones" my first grade teacher Mrs. Barnes read them to our class back in first grade and after she read the first one I picked up the second one and just kept on reading I owned the first 5 books but then stopped reading them. My favorite book has to be "Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk I first read that book because my friend Mac said I should read it and I was like OK why not then I saw the movie with you guessed it Brad Pitt and Edward Norton I think thats when I realized how much of a Bad A$$ Brad Pitt was and how good of an actor he was and finally when I finished reading that book I was like wow this book is insane I had to read it again I mean it completely turned me around when I got to the end. I suggest it to anyone who likes Chuck Palahniuk's work