Friday, March 9, 2012

Response Questions

 Some good pick up lines I've heard in my almost 19 years of being on this planet are: "Hey do you know how much a polar bear weighs?" "Enough to break the ice hi my names Connor O'Leary", "I may not be a genie but I can make your dreams come true" "Can I take a picture of you, so I can show Santa just what I want for Christmas" those are some of the best ones I've heard and they make me laugh.

I can say that I have like a friend of mine's Girlfriend at one time ,but what made it harder was the fact we shared the same feelings. So when they eventually broke up not because of her wanting to date me ,but because he cheated on her with some other girl. At first it was a little weird and my friend didn't like it at all but he knew that I would have treated her better than he did. We dated from the end of April Junior year till about the start of August, we broke up because she was moving due to her dad got a new job in Texas he was going to be a Manager for a oil company. All in all it was interesting to say the least but hey I didn't loose a friend out of it so that's good!

If you would ask me if I'm a good bowler I would say I'm average expect for the one time when I went bowling with Jamie Martz, Emily Walker, Christine Nevins, and Margo Givens I ended up last with a outstanding score of 100 and Jamie beat us all he bowled a 210 (He was a show off ;) ). While writing/reading this question all I could think about though was the Big Lewbowski and how A.) There are no rules in nam'  and B.) You don't mess with the Jesus, but I think though that Bowling is one of the best first dates or any date someone can do I mean even if you suck you're still going to have a lot of fun same goes for putt putt.

If I would have a vacation house/getaway house it would be kind of like the one in The Proposal with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock, and it would be located on an island too! I don't know I've just always loved fine wood houses and out in the middle of a forest area although for real life I couldn't do it but for a week or two during the summer I could do it easy.

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