Thursday, March 15, 2012


1.) Well to start this post off some of the various writing's I've done this quarter like my blog post about dreams and one dream I had another post I wrote about was the picture that we had to write a story about and I chose this picture

2.) Some piece's I've read in this class were "Fight Club" which I read probably 2 a year, I also read "Enemy Pie" for the childhood section of this class and a final piece that I've read this year it was outside of school but I've started "Trainspotting"

3.) Setting up my blog the first week of this class actually was easy it didn't take to long. I came up with my blog name because I was listening to Gucci Mayne when I was creating my blog and I was just like why not. People that might want to read my blog are classmates , teachers, friends and family. I will try to use this blog still and post ideas or thoughts of mine.

4.) Well my journal is filled with stories, blog posts, idea's, thoughts on my mind.I don't really know who would want to read my journal. I won't continue to write in my journal I think,

5.) Hearing the first song I instantly knew who it was it was a perfect circle, Maynard's voice is unmistakable in my mind, while I was listening to that song I pictured myself at Nathan P Murphy's watching APC I'm in the front of the crowd watching the sweat pour from the lead singer due to the heat of the room. I watch the guitarist strut back and forth across the stage and the bassist headbanging while playing.

6.)As the author sat at his computer trying to think of something to write he took from his cigarette box one cigarette and then sparked the lighter and began to inhale. For a while he just sat there relaxed and embraced the moment then it hit him his next new story his story that was going to make him famous. It was a about a man trapped a prisoner of his own mind not able to communicate properly  and as a result he he lost all he had. As the author began to type away he realised after sometime that darkness had fallen and he had became quite hungry so he got up walked into the living room of his tiny one bedroom apartment and opened the refrigerator he grabbed his dinner from the night before it was pizza, as he placed the pizza into the microwave he walked out on the deck looked over and realised that he is writing about himself and how miserable his life was he leaned over the edge looking down at the street five stories down from there he could see the cars and the people walking by as they went on with there lives without a care in the world he has thought about jumping before I mean he is 30 years old no girlfriend, no kids, no job, living of well-fare and the settlement money he got 11 years ago for black mailing his previous employer but he knew that wouldn't last long. In mid thought he heard the beeping of the microwave going off signaling his pizza was done. So as he walked into his apartment grabbed a beer from the fridge and then his pizza he went back into his room and sat down at his computer and began typing once again he then ashed his cigarette grabbed another one lit that one up and took a long drag from it and then that moment he reclined into his chair arms extended and thought to himself yes this is the one the one that's going to make me famous.

7.) I don't know at this time. I got from this class all the different types of writings we did in this class. Well the writings in my other class aren't as fun and I can't talk about what I want well except in your class I got to express myself.

8.) Don't stop  writing let your words speak for you not actions. I've appreciated reading all this talent this class had to offer.

1 comment:

  1. It will be strange not seeing you at that almost back table after three quarters of having you there. I'm so glad I got to know you and I hope you didn't get sick of me! I wish you all sorts of luck as you head out of this place in a matter of weeks. You're a hard worker and that will serve you well in life. Come back and chat when you can. Take care, Connor.
