Monday, January 23, 2012

I am..... Connor

I am
I am a son, a brother, a friend, resident of Springfield, Mo but born in California.
I am a grandson, missing those summer days out on the farm homemade biscuits and gravy and riding on my four wheeler going to go fishing.
I am a senior class member of 2012, looking towards the future, but at the same time wondering where has the past gone?
I am an Ice cold coke when I get off work I am a Wendy’s baconater guy when I am or not in a rush I am a let’s make homemade chicken noodle soup cause it’s freezing outside.
I am sleeping for a bit longer on  the days I don’t have school because I have to unfortunately  wake up at 9 on Saturdays to go to work or 8 on Sundays to do the same thing .
I am that guy who will go home everyday take a shower (yes I will sing in the shower with my radio at max volume) and throw on sweats because its 30 degrees outside, I then for the rest of the day/night am toasty because I have a sweater on and a long sleeve shirt on under that.
I am its 11pm and I have a 200+ word paper and its due tomorrow, but I’ll mange to finish it and then spend the next day recovering in my classes
I am tall, skinny, and have my mom’s eyes and hair color
I am always wearing either jeans and a shirt of some kind and my moccasins, or cargo shorts and flip flops, I will also dress up on some days because I like to look good cause I feel good about myself if I’m fresh to death.
I am not that boy who every trash day would run out and help the trash man because I had some weird obsession with trash trucks when I was 5.
I am a host/silver ware roller/food runner/busser and on occasion server and cook at Chili’s Bar and Grill
I am probably the only guy that’s straight and thinks Brad Pitt is gorgeous
I am hoping to soon have my first tattoo if I can save the money since I’m a very impulsive buyer as you can see with my ~300$ movie collection I acquired in a month
I am a lover not a fighter I live to love I am that guy that your mommy told you to walk close to the street when with a girl open the door for her and treat her right, and I love companionship although sometimes I don’t mind solitude.
I am of my word and putting people before myself
I am planning to attend OTC after graduation and then either going to U of A , LSU, VCU or the always classy MSU.
I am aiming to be either  a psychologist when I graduate or a Film Critic either way I will be happy with which profession I choose cause let’s be honest why work if you hate your job?
I am Connor O’Leary and I am unique in every way possible.

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