Friday, January 27, 2012

Dreams fill the fire

a recurring dream I've had is that I'm a samurai in japan back during the revolution in the mid 1800's and as I'm walking I can see my self walking away from a burning city in the background which could only be Tokyo I don't know why I have this dream it's always short and that's what I see, it's probably because when growing up I watched TV a lot and I used to watch animes like "Dragon ball Z" "Yu Yu Hakusho" and "Rurouni Kenshin" (rurouni kenshin is most likely where this dream ends up coming from) I also as a child was lets just say a expert with fire, but it just is interesting that my subconsciousness can still remember theses things and employ them into my brain, a couple of not books but websites I've read about are on lucid dreaming because those are things that I enjoy learning about I mean who doesn't want the ability to create their own dream from nothing kinda like inception now that's cool I've also read things on how it works why people do it what effects if any it can have and I've been having lucid dreams for about about 7 months know and let me tell you if you can't lucid for what ever reason dreams then suck because you can't remember what you dreamt

Response Questions

I believe that talking about or thinking about bad events or bad news does give these things "power" the reason being that if you had a traumatizing event happen to you like death of a loved one or losing a job or anything along those lines, you'll begin to put yourself down and it will evently take control over you and you can't do anything anymore, a example for me was the Friday we came back from break I was in choir we had just started singing our contest pieces and as you would with any new piece we had problems this time it was with vowels so Mr. C decided to call on me to sing all by self I at that moment became red like cherry red due the fact I get embarrassed really easy I, also the part of the song was very high and I wasn't confident in that, but to make matters worse right as he said "O'Leary sing" everyone turned around and looked at me so after a while he had everyone just turn back around then I could sing but I was trembling like a kid with trets. Times like that can effective make you not confident in your work anymore and have very bad effects on you

Monday, January 23, 2012

I am..... Connor

I am
I am a son, a brother, a friend, resident of Springfield, Mo but born in California.
I am a grandson, missing those summer days out on the farm homemade biscuits and gravy and riding on my four wheeler going to go fishing.
I am a senior class member of 2012, looking towards the future, but at the same time wondering where has the past gone?
I am an Ice cold coke when I get off work I am a Wendy’s baconater guy when I am or not in a rush I am a let’s make homemade chicken noodle soup cause it’s freezing outside.
I am sleeping for a bit longer on  the days I don’t have school because I have to unfortunately  wake up at 9 on Saturdays to go to work or 8 on Sundays to do the same thing .
I am that guy who will go home everyday take a shower (yes I will sing in the shower with my radio at max volume) and throw on sweats because its 30 degrees outside, I then for the rest of the day/night am toasty because I have a sweater on and a long sleeve shirt on under that.
I am its 11pm and I have a 200+ word paper and its due tomorrow, but I’ll mange to finish it and then spend the next day recovering in my classes
I am tall, skinny, and have my mom’s eyes and hair color
I am always wearing either jeans and a shirt of some kind and my moccasins, or cargo shorts and flip flops, I will also dress up on some days because I like to look good cause I feel good about myself if I’m fresh to death.
I am not that boy who every trash day would run out and help the trash man because I had some weird obsession with trash trucks when I was 5.
I am a host/silver ware roller/food runner/busser and on occasion server and cook at Chili’s Bar and Grill
I am probably the only guy that’s straight and thinks Brad Pitt is gorgeous
I am hoping to soon have my first tattoo if I can save the money since I’m a very impulsive buyer as you can see with my ~300$ movie collection I acquired in a month
I am a lover not a fighter I live to love I am that guy that your mommy told you to walk close to the street when with a girl open the door for her and treat her right, and I love companionship although sometimes I don’t mind solitude.
I am of my word and putting people before myself
I am planning to attend OTC after graduation and then either going to U of A , LSU, VCU or the always classy MSU.
I am aiming to be either  a psychologist when I graduate or a Film Critic either way I will be happy with which profession I choose cause let’s be honest why work if you hate your job?
I am Connor O’Leary and I am unique in every way possible.